
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
When you are exposed to anything long enough, you will become familiar with that thing. In this case, I'm talking about selling managed services. To say that managed services sales and marketing has been a sticking point for many MSPs globally, would be an understatement.
Know your customers
Sell Through Education
Have Defined Products/Services (i.e., Service Catalog)
Document the Sales Process

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Is inflation having an impact on the MSP market? As undeniable evidence of inflation is being felt, at least in the United States, it was only a matter of time before someone asked the question: is inflation having an impact on MSPs?
Inflation evidence in the general market
Inflationary impact on MSPs; how would it manifest itself?
Should MSPs raise prices? Do MSPs need to raise prices?
Please fill out this survey for MSPAlliance: https://forms.office.com/r/CtgVXCMk5W

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Data processing is an important element of any managed services agreement. The handling of data belonging to clients has never been more critical to the relationship between customer and MSP. Data processing is no longer just a service delivery issue, it is now a contractual one as well.
Join the discussion as MSP Zone explores the various ways in which data processing occurs within a managed services relationship, how you can protect your MSP practice from risk associated with data processing compliance requests, and what you shouldn't do when presented with certain data processing agreements.
What does the client believe you are doing?
What are the relevant laws impacting that relationship?
What do you need to do in order to be compliant with data processing requirements?
Signing a document is not the end of the issue
Data processing compliance through MSP Verify
MSP Zone Guest: Rob Scott

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Not a month goes by without some analyst firm or consulting agency producing a managed services spending report. You would think, with all these reports forecasting future managed services spending and growth, that there would be an abundance of data for MSPs and consumers. You would be wrong.
The existence of these "managed services analyst reports" provide little to no value whatsoever to the average MSP, much less to consumers of managed services.
Historical review of analyst coverage of the managed services profession
Current coverage of MSPs
What are the gaps?
MSP Zone Reading Material
Managed Services Providers (MSP) Market Is Likely to Experience a Tremendous Growth in Near Future - Energy Siren

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
MSPs spend a lot of time "in the channel", that is to say, learning from and interacting with both other providers and technology vendors. Yes, MSPs also spend a great deal of time with their clients. But, what I'm talking about today is how non-managed services entities and individuals view the MSP profession.
As with many things "managed services related", there are a lot of misconceptions about MSPs and what they do. It seems we can add cybersecurity "experts" to that list.
Common misconceptions about MSPs
Cybersecurity perspectives on the managed services landscape
How to correct these negative view
Alleged Russian Hacks of Microsoft Service Providers Highlight Cybersecurity Deficiencies (voanews.com)

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
In a follow up to our episode titled "Who are Hackers Really Targeting?", we have further evidence that it is not MSPs who are vulnerable to attack, but instead, the non-MSP organization has a higher likelihood of being successfully breached in a cyberattack compared to an MSP.
This is not to say MSPs do not get targeted or breached. This does mean, however, that successful cyberattacks are more likely to occur in a non-MSP organization than a fully matured managed services entity.
Remote access systems
MSP vs non-MSP risk
Differentiating between MSPs and non-MSPs…why it matters

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
MSPs have agreements with everyone; customers, vendors, partners. The managed services agreement with customers, perhaps, is the most important. Regardless of the type of MSP you are, the types of services, or your customers, the contracts you use will likely be negotiated.
Warranties and indemnification clauses are common boilerplate in modern managed services agreements. But, not all such clauses ought to be accepted without review and consideration.
What are limitation of liabilities?
Indemnification clauses
By Provider
By Client
Limitation of Liability Carveouts
Email MSPZone@mspalliance.com to acquire your copy of the 3rd party disclosure addendum.
MSP Zone Guest: Rob Scott

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Fact: Ransomware "gangs" are actively trying to attack organizations of all sizes. The attacks have had some success and will likely continue for the foreseeable future. But, are the attack vectors really targeting MSPs, or is there another target that exists?
Who are the real targets of these ransomware attacks?
Why are these tactics being used?
Can anything be done to stop them?
Is the MSP the real attack vector?
MSP Zone Reading Material
Solarwinds hackers targeting global IT supply chain, Microsoft says (cnbc.com)

Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Pandemic related supply chain disruptions are happening on a global basis. Since the beginning of the pandemic, everyday items have become subject to distribution disruption. These supply chain disruptions are also having an impact on value added resellers. Could supply chain problems signal a business shift for VARs towards managed services?
VAR supply chain disruption
Impact on VAR business model
Impact on managed services
MSP Zone Reading Material: The Value Of VARs Is Diminishing In Cybersecu rity: Here’s How To Get It Back (forbes.com)

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
It seems there is never a shortage of M&A related chatter within the IT channel and we appear to be in the middle of one such rumor mill once again. In fairness, this may be part rumor and part misconception (probably more the latter).
Is there an M&A consolidation frenzy taking place in the MSP profession? We will examine that question.
MSP Zone Show Notes: Private equity is ready to take MSP consolidation to the next level | TechCrunch