The MSP Zone

Weekly discussion of news, events, and topics of interest to the global managed services professional community. Series will have the latest and most relevant discussions in managed services and cloud computing, featuring special guests and notable figures in the profession.

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Friday Jun 26, 2020

Work from home may be the new normal, but "Bring Your Own Security" should not be. While most organizations have been struggling with the pandemic, including the establishment of work from home policies, many of these employees are left without any guidance or tools needed to protect them from cyber attack. 
MSP Zone Guest: Corey Munson, vice president of PC Matic

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020

Data is everything in the MSP community. The type of data you manage can dictate how much risk you take on, how you sell, and ultimately, how you price your managed services. Do you know the type of data you are managing and are you prepared to protect it?
MSP Zone Guest: Eran Farajun, executive vice president of Asigra

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020

Most MSPs use at least 1 public cloud to deliver their managed services. Increase security, flexibility, and scalability are all features driving more MSPs into the public cloud. But, dealing with public cloud vendors is not without risk. Public cloud agreements can contain many provisions leaving MSPs holding most of the risk. How can you protect yourself against these one-sided public cloud agreements? 
MSP Zone Guest: Rob Scott, Scott & Scott LLP

Thursday Jun 18, 2020

MSP registration is here. The State of Louisiana has passed a law, the first of its kind, dealing with mandatory MSP registration. What does this law mean for MSPs and what should you do to prepare for what comes next? 
Program Highlights: 
Overview of the law
Expansion of MSP registration to other states/countries
MSP registration for other industry verticals such as banking and healthcare
Future regulation of MSPs

Monday Jun 15, 2020

MSP platform vendors have undergone a lot of change in the last few years. The same is true with their partner agreements. But, are these agreements too one-sided and do they put too much risk on the MSP? 
MSP Zone Guest: Rob Scott, partner at Scott & Scott LLP

Friday Jun 12, 2020

Dealing with Ransomware is something every MSP faces, whether directly or on behalf of a client. MSPs must know what to expect, how to interact with ransomware organizations/individuals, and how to protect their clients.
MSP Zone Guests: Eran Farajun, executive vice president of Asigra, and Jason Kotler of Cypfer

Thursday Jun 04, 2020

Now that the global economy is re-awakening, our attention must turn to areas where MSPs can achieve success, and learn from the past to avoid areas which may not be ready for business as usual. It's time to rebalance your client portfolio. 
MSP Zone Guest: Eran Farajun, executive vice president of Asigra

RMM Security Strategies for MSPs

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020

Every MSP uses some combination of RMM and ticketing technology. But, what are the security issues related to use of those platforms and how can MSPs ensure they are protected? 
MSP Zone Guest: Product Marketing Director at VIPRE Security

Solving the MSP Staffing Gap

Friday May 29, 2020

Friday May 29, 2020

MSPs are about to experience a surge in business as the global economy re-awakens. But, how will MSPs achieve success and scalability without a steady supply of experienced technical and industry talent? 
MSP Zone Guest: Eran Farajun, executive vice president of Asigra

Thursday May 21, 2020

Where do investors turn when the stock market, gold, and real estate no longer provide safety? Managed services. MSPs are becoming a safe bet for many investors looking to diversify and achieve solid returns.

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