The MSP Zone

Weekly discussion of news, events, and topics of interest to the global managed services professional community. Series will have the latest and most relevant discussions in managed services and cloud computing, featuring special guests and notable figures in the profession.

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Wednesday May 20, 2020

Do MSPs have more liability if they host data? I don't own a data center; do I still need to get certified? Many MSPs have these questions. We will be discussing these topics, and more on today's program. There are many misconceptions when it comes to MSPs, data hosting, co-location, and how these components of a typical managed services practice are used.

Monday May 18, 2020

Many organizations believe practicing good cyber hygiene is an impossible task. But it may be easier than you realize. Understanding the risks, developing a plan, and implementing effective and reasonable controls can help your organization flatten the cyber risk curve.
MSP Zone Guest: Eran Farajun, executive vice president of Asigra

Friday May 15, 2020

What is application whitelisting? Why is it needed? How can application whitelisting improve your internal MSP security as well as that of your clients? Join our guest Corey Munson as he describes the many advantages to a whitelisting security approach to protect MSPs and clients alike, especially amidst rapidly emerging trends such as BYOD and remote work. 
MSP Zone Guest: Corey Munson, vice president of sales at PC Matic

You've been breached. Now what?

Thursday May 14, 2020

Thursday May 14, 2020

You've experienced a cyber breach. Now what do you do? This is a situation many organizations have never experienced, but likely will in the near future. Cyber attacks are on the rise and show no signs of decreasing. But, you can increase you chances of surviving a cyber attack by doing some simple things. Join cybersecurity expert and former FBI Special Agent Brent Watkins as he discusses effective steps MSPs can take, before and after, a cyber attack occurs. 
MSP Zone Guest: Brent Watkins, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Retired. 

Securing the New Remote Worker

Wednesday May 13, 2020

Wednesday May 13, 2020

MSPs face more employees working remotely, and have more end-user customers dealing with remote work environments. What are the challenges and opportunities this presents to both MSPs and clients? We will discuss these topics, and more, on today’s program.
Guest: Eran Farajun, executive vice president of Asigra

The True Cost of Ransomware

Tuesday May 12, 2020

Tuesday May 12, 2020

Everybody knows the risks of ransomware include a financial cost. But, are you factoring in all the costs? Should you pay if you are impacted by ransomware? Is it worth it? 

Monday May 11, 2020

Free trials, flexible terms, force majeure. What do these terms mean and how should your MSP practice put them into effect? We'll be discussing these topics, and more on today's episode.
Guest: Rob Scott, partner at Scott & Scott LLP

MSP Pricing Best Practices

Friday May 08, 2020

Friday May 08, 2020

There are many types of managed services pricing models being used today. Whatever model you use, risk should be accounted for somewhere in your pricing of managed services offerings. Towards that goal, risk-based pricing is an effective overlay to your existing pricing scheme and something every MSP should evaluate. Put differently, risk-based pricing is a necessary ingredient to whatever pricing model you happen to use.
If you use per user/seat pricing, risk-based modeling can be overlaid; if you use per device pricing, same thing.
Risk-based pricing is protection for our MSP practice. It insulates it from risky clients unaware of what they should be doing, or unconcerned that their risky behavior is negatively impacting their MSP (and all the other client’s the MSP manages).

Wednesday May 06, 2020

For those of you not already delivering managed services around "IoT" devices, it might be ready for you to consider doing so. The market for IoT and security are projected to increase steadily over the next several years. Market demand for these services will further be fueled by increased remote worker environments globally. 
MSPs need to be preparing for the following: 
Remote worker support
IoT impact on remote work environments
Security implications from remote work clients
Security implications for MSP employee remote work environments
Either way, IoT will be playing a significant role in the management of global organizations of all sizes in the next few months and years. Is your MSP practice ready for this opportunity? 

MSP Loan Funding - Part 2

Monday May 04, 2020

Monday May 04, 2020

In an update from our previous episode on the CARES Act, The MSP Zone speaks with Courtney LaLone, principal with Bernard Robinson & Company, on how the program is doing and whether MSPs should seek out funding. In this episode we discuss the following: 
2nd tranche of funding for the PPP program
Which banks are more likely to fund PPP applications
Forgiveness planning for MSPs
Cash flow planning for Spring and Summer
MSP Zone Guest: Courtney LaLone, principal with Bernard Robinson & Company

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