The MSP Zone

Weekly discussion of news, events, and topics of interest to the global managed services professional community. Series will have the latest and most relevant discussions in managed services and cloud computing, featuring special guests and notable figures in the profession.

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Thursday Mar 19, 2020

MSPs are facing a new challenge and opportunity as thousands of small and medium sized businesses are coming to grips with how to rapidly adopt a remote work model. Nearly the entire planet right now is trying to figure this out. 
For MSPs, this presents a great opportunity to collaborate with clients (existing and new) on creating new, secure, remote work environments. 

Monday Mar 16, 2020

As the world economies shift rapidly towards remote work environments for the short term, new challenges emerge for businesses and organizations. Remote workers suddenly expected to work productively from remote locations, often with little training on the technologies, systems, and procedures needed to do so effectively. 
At the same time, organizations are struggling with how to deploy and enable remote workers so they maintain the same levels of productivity, safety, and security compared to physical office environments. 
Enter the MSP. 

Coronavirus & MSPs

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020

MSPAlliance Insights discusses coronavirus and its impact on global business. We also discuss how MSPs can protect themselves (and their clients) against these global pandemics through business continuity planning, documentation, and training. 

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020

Most everyone acknowledges the human talent shortage within the managed services profession. This human capital shortage is not new, and it shows no signs of going away. So, what are growth-minded MSP owners and operators to do?
Here are two available (although not necessarily simple) strategies for overcoming the human capital shortage so you can take your MSP practice to the next level of success.

Responding to MSP Criticism

Friday Feb 07, 2020

Friday Feb 07, 2020

As the new reports of attacks on MSPs have increased, the MSPAlliance has mostly remained silent. Beyond internal industry communications and programs to improve cybersecurity measures (something we have been doing for 20 years), we have not taken direct issue with any of these news accounts.

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